Dr Ee Ling Heng awarded “Young Investigator Award”

We are delighted that Dr Ee Ling Heng was awarded the “Young Investigator Award” at the BCCA conference in Cardiff recently.
Her presentation summarised the results of a study that she conducted at the Royal Brompton Hospital, London examining the outcomes of patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot after pulmonary valve replacement surgery.
The study sought to investigate the optimal timing of performing this operation in adult Fallot patients, for which there is no global consensus. She used cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) to examine the changes in heart size and function before, immediately after and a period (>1 year) after pulmonary valve surgery and found that significant improvements could be seen almost immediately within days after surgery. This had not been previously demonstrated. She has therefore proposed the use of a specific CMR-based marker that may help guide clinicians in deciding when and which patients might have better outcomes from surgery.
She will use the award to travel to the 26th International Symposium on Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult to be held in Oregon in June 2016.